
Ofsted is the official body for inspecting schools. Schools are inspected every three to five years unless there is a need to inspect them more often. Click here to view a full copy of our latest report.

Our last inspection was in February 2023 when we were awarded an overall rating of ‘Good’.

Pupils enjoy being part of Corngreaves Academy. Pupils and staff embrace the school’s motto ‘together we learn to succeed’

Leaders are ambitious and have high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils realise these expectations and achieve well.

Pupils say the school is like a family. They help each other with learning and with their behaviour. Pupils behave well.

Adults check on how pupils are feeling each day. Pupils know there is always someone to talk to if they have a worry.

Reading is at the heart of the school curriculum. Children begin to develop their phonics knowledge from the moment they start school.

Staff in the early years are highly ambitious and have created a rich and stimulating curriculum. Children thrive in the vibrant learning environment.

Leaders want pupils to leave Corngreaves as well-rounded, confident individuals.

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Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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